How to play .DAT or any video file in mx player
MX player is the best video player available for android phones. The biggest strength of MX Player is that it can play a wide variety of formats. You can play any video file in mx player. Some formats are not supported by default like .DAT video files but you can add these formats manually.
You need:
1. MX player (Install from play store)
2. Arm v7-Neon (XDA)
Follow these steps to add file extensions manually:
Step 1: Open mx player -> Settings
Step 2: Open List
Step 3: Open File extensions
Step 4: Tap Add to add new extensions
Step 5: Write extension name (example: DAT) and tap OK
Step 6: Select added extension (i.e. DAT) and tap Decoder
Step 7: Select software decoder (S/W)
Step 8: Press back button to close settings and tap refresh button in mx player
Step 9: You’ll see new video files of added extension. If you see any other data file then you can hide them by long pressing them.
Step 10: Now play any video file in mx player.