Validus For MT6592
Validus AOSP for MT6592 is an aftermarket ROM based on AOSP Android Marshmallow. This ROM is based on Google AOSP codes but uses CM Theme Engine as it's means to customize the ROM. Amazing ROM with amazing features and animations. Definitely must use this ROM if you want performance of AOSP but themeing capabilities of CyanogenMod. This ROM is compiled from source by Ajit Guraya(ME)
USSD, Calls, Camera, Video Recording, SMS, Bluetooth and other needed features are working in this ROM and it can be used as a daily driver.
Note : This ROM can be ported to any MT6592 device running Android Kitkat 4.4.x with kernel 3.4.67
USSD, Calls, Camera, Video Recording, SMS, Bluetooth and other needed features are working in this ROM and it can be used as a daily driver.
Note : This ROM can be ported to any MT6592 device running Android Kitkat 4.4.x with kernel 3.4.67
If you want to port this ROM and share then please give the link of original post along with proper credits ! THIS IS A MUST
Notes :
1) My only request is that do not at any cost forget to give proper credits and you must add link of this post when you share your ROMs. All credits are mentioned below
2) It only takes a few minutes to steal the ROM but it will take you months to request the developers to start working on development again. Many devs stopped working and sharing their codes just because of kanging and I do not want that to happen again.
3) I repeat again, please appreciate the hard work done by all the developers, do not share this ROM without giving credits. How hard is it to add the name of the people who worked hard on this ROM in your posts ?
Credits :
Ferhung - The man behind CM13 for MT6582
Fire855 - Another legend
Ajit Guraya - Compiled Validus ROM for MT6582 from source and fixed camera !
John Reniel - Ported this ROM to MT6592
Minh Quoc and Karim Gahgah - For video recording fix
Aniruddha Adhikary - For his amazing USSD Fix
Team Roger That - Ajit Guraya, Diparth Shah, Pawan Diyal, Ashutosh Dubey, Waseem Maya, Ankit Bhatangar, Rohan Taneja, Vipul Jha, Pranav Reddy
Diparth Shah
Ground Zero ROM Team/Devs
Required blobs (Really huge thanks) :
nofearnohappy, Varun Chitre, Ariafan, Vlad.masti, Fire855, Alex
What's Working :
Audio in calls
SMS (Receive and Send both working)
RIL is now more stable
Dual SIM
Screen Recording
Both storages (SD and Internal) mounting in both Phone and PC
720P working in youtube
Bugs :
VIdeo recording with stock camera - Use CAMU app form playstore if you want to record videos
GPS - Partially working
Download : Validus For MT6592
Gapps : Click Here
Please follow installation instructions below
- Port the ROM for your device using the porting guide below
- Flash the ROM
- Flash GAPPS directly after flashing the ROM
- Reboot
- After booting, Reboot your device to Recovery Mode
- Flash the SuperSU ZIP from the above Validus Download Link
- Flash SuperSU
- Reboot
- Enjoy
Step by Step guide : Click Here (Follow from Step 1 till Step 15 and come back here and follow below guide)
Replace files from your Stock ROM to CM13
In /system/lib/ :
In /system/bin/ :
- gsm* (all files with the name gsm)
- rild (replace rild from working cm12.1)
In /system/etc/ :
- bluetooth, firmware, wifi (replace entire folder)
In boot.img :
- kernel/zimage
- kernel/zimage
- Replace only camera lines under #Camera from stock boot.img init.rc to init.mt6592_common.rc
Search Engine Keywords : validus for mt6592. custom rom for mt6592, marshmallow for mt6592, aosp mm for mt6592, aosp rom for mt6592, validus rom for mt6592